We are happy to be part of one of the largest environmental projects in the Czech Republic: EKO-KOM. We actively participate in the operation of the packaging waste sorting and recycling system.

Over 880,000 tonnes of packaging waste are sorted and sent for recycling and recovery in the EKO-KOM system every year. The sorting of waste is becoming increasingly accessible and the quality of this service meets the highest standards in EU countries. The system of sorting and subsequent recycling of recoverable packaging waste is constantly being developed to meet the objectives of the circular economy resulting from new legislation.

The results of the entire EKO-KOM system show that we have managed to build a stable and efficient waste sorting system in our country. Currently, 99% of consumers across the Czech Republic have the opportunity to sort waste, with more than 540,000 coloured containers and smaller bins available.

According to Act No. 477/2001 Coll. on Packaging every company that sells its products in packaging is obliged to take care of waste take-back.
