TESLAbikář or how to choose the right LED bulb
1. part of LED bulb socket
The basic socket types offered by TESLA lighting are E27, E14, GU10, GU5,3, G4, G9, GX53, G53.
There's no socket like a socket...
It is absolutely essential to know the type of socket, and this key information can be found directly on our luminaire or in the instruction manual. So all we have to do is look and write down the relevant information. Among other things, we can find out the rated wattage (W) and the voltage of the bulb (V). Alternatively, we can safely remove the existing bulb and read out the required figure. We also take into account the required shape and size of the bulb to fit the luminaire.
LED bulbs can be connected to 230 V, 12 V or 24 V. Higher voltage allows to increase the luminous flux of the luminaire. It is important when powering
to ensure the correct voltage, which is why each LED bulb is marked with this information. In a normal electrical socket, we encounter an AC voltage of 230V/50Hz, which suits common electrical appliances.
The next part will be devoted to the different shapes of LED bulbs that are in the TESLA lighting range.