Celebrating 100 years
Briefly from history
It was all born 100 years ago. In 1921, a company called Elektra entered the Czech market and after a few years became part of the Philips concern. The production ranged from light bulbs, to tubes, radio receivers to radio and television transmitters. In 1946, the company changed its name in addition to its owner, and under the brand name TESLA (referring to the Serbian inventor), it started producing transistors and later the first televisions. Time passed and TESLA became a joint stock company, since 2012 in Czech hands. And in this year, TESLA lighting was founded.
At home, on the street and in industrial areas
The TESLA lighting range includes classic LED sources for households, but also for professional use. These are mainly incandescent bulbs, tubes, ceiling or ceiling luminaires, reflector and industrial LED sources including High Bay, luminaires for public lighting, ground and floor luminaires and Tri-Proof luminaires with a higher level of protection.
Czech professional in LED lights
TESLA lighting is a brand that has not only dazzled the Czech market with its quality, but as a supplier of light sources it also has a significant presence in the world. The company offers the most modern LED light sources. It prides itself on a high level of quality - all lights undergo a series of measurements in its own laboratories. For many years, the company's management has maintained that timelessness and efficiency are synonymous with TESLA lighting. And thousands of satisfied customers are the answer that they are right.
Six N for LED
Colour fidelity is expressed by a value referred to as CRI or Ra. Where colour is important, we recommend choosing a bulb with a higher CRI (Ra) value. Modern LED bulbs have a value of 80 or more, giving a true and realistic colour rendering. At a value of 0 we are unable to distinguish any colour. At a value of 100 the colours are completely natural. You can read more interesting facts and details here in the coming weeks.